Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day Twenty-Three (23)

A little hiatus there...Reading today: Genesis 48, Psalm 22:1-11, Matthew 9:14-26, Acts 13:26-52

Genesis 48
Yet again, we see the reversal of younger son being blessed over older son. In God's Kingdom there is no entitlement. You cannot depend on your parentage or your privilege (see John's Baptist and his discussion with the Jewish elite!). Isn't it ironic that Joseph is upset with Jacob? I mean, Joseph was the youngest and received all the blessings and favouritism and now his own younger son is getting blessed and he is upset!

Psalm 22:1-11
This Psalm gives powerful imagery to Jesus on the cross. v2-3 "Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief. Yet you are holy." I pray for this kind of trust in the character of God!

Matthew 9:14-26
John's disciples come to ask Jesus about fasting. Jesus contrasts his ministry with that of all the Old Testament prophets - celebrating versus mourning, unshrunk (new) cloth versus old cloth, new wine versus old wineskins. Jesus is completely unique - of course, as readers of the story we have the inside track on this one. Jesus is the Son of God, the fulfillment of all the Messiah is supposed to be.

Acts 13:26-52
A wonderful part of the story. A great summary of the Good News in Jesus Christ, using many OT Psalms and prophetic words. Again, there is the contrast between the Jewish leaders who crave the adoration of the people (v. 44-45) and the believers filled with the Spirit. Notice in v. 46 how is the Jews who have judged themselves unworthy of believing in Jesus. Yet v. 48 says all who were appointed believed. There is definitely a tone of 'the elect' here, but at the same time, those who don't believe have not been chosen to not believe but rather they have judged themselves unworthy.

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