Monday, March 12, 2007

Day Twenty (20)

Reading today: Genesis 42-43, Psalm 19, Matt 8:14-22, Acts 11:19-30

Genesis 42-43
They meet again...Joseph's brothers come to Egypt in search of food. I don't get Joseph's behaviour once he sees his brothers. The text makes it clear Joseph can barely contain himself, but why does he treat his brothers so harshly?

Psalm 19
A beautiful psalm. The creation speaks of God every day - but be careful not to worship the creation! "The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul." I think we need to read the Psalms more! So many Christians view the 'commands' of the Bible as burdensome and wearying, and thank God Jesus came and we don't have to do those things any! The Law is perfect, it brings freedom to follow and obey God and be in relation to him.

Matthew 8:14-22
...when Jesus noticed how large the crowd was growing...he says something challenging things! Were people just coming along for the joy ride? To see some cool stuff happen? Not really getting the whole discipleship thing? I'd say the Church today has a lot to learn here...Jesus' statement about not having a place to lay his head is somewhat mysterious, but in the context, he is clearly telling the religious teacher that following Jesus wherever he goes is no easy journey.

Acts 11:19-30
More Gentiles believe and the Jews rejoice with them...I'm tired, that's all I got...

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